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Sally Mills - Writer and Artist
Somerset Macaw

Reflections through prose and art

With life bookended by a rural lifestyle, Sally now runs a small horticultural business in Somerset. This new aquaponic enterprise, was born and is driven by the ethos of health and sustainability. Semi-retired, Sally reaps the rewards of a committed and dedicated conservation career, giving time to reflect on her eclectic and privileged life. The natural world is now a hobby and she is in the perfect environment, with the desire and opportunity to share many of her unique wildlife experiences as an inspiration to write and illustrate.

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About: About
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The Writer

Inspired by life on a remote island in the Seychelles, Sally began her writing adventure with her novel 'Island to Island'. Sharing a small island with an array of tropical wildlife and over a million seabirds, was a nature enthusiast's dream. Although a privilege, it was a challenging existence, living by nature, with no electricity or running water. There were plenty of stories to tell, many now captured and illustrated in a rather unique portrayal and rare insight into dealing with the demands of an alien culture in a remote location.

About: Welcome
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The Artist

Sally's love of wildlife has always been an inspiration for her creative work. From rugged shags to cheeky puffins her sculptures are an epitome of her passion. Created from recycled timber and always from sustainable sources, her sculptures capture the 'jiz' of her subjects, bringing them to life through their character and pose.


Shags on a jetty, featured opposite are life-size and created form recycled soft wood stacking pallets. Finished with a blow-torch before waxing, to produce a gentle sheen with depth and variation created by light.


Her two dimensional work is portrayed through watercolour images and illustrations. A sketchbook in hand her rural surroundings are all she needs to fuel her creative drive as she remains constantly in awe of the beauty the natural world has to offer.

About: Welcome

A Lasting Impression

I feel very fortunate to have had the freedom from an early age to follow my passion for art and nature, without restriction. To be able to work in an environment that fuelled that passion and equally to be in a position to take motivation from the work of others. 


I grew up at a privileged time that was blessed with many artists who took their inspiration from the natural world. Some of which I had the great fortune to meet, others I just looked on with admiration.

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About: About

Following in the footsteps...

From an early age Sally aspired to follow in the footsteps of renowned wildlife artists of the time.

About: Portfolio
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About: Image
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